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APAR, All-In-One Discord Security suite

...an Advanced Protection Against Raiding.

The concept of "Raiding" originates from the early web-based instant messaging systems, identifying a phenomenon where users and bots intentionally carry out harmful actions, resulting in significant damage to the affected community.

Protect, detect, and respond.

— APAR Team

To get started, invite our bot and run /help

APAR vs. Others

Designed to preserve the integrity of your discord server by actively identifying and mitigating malicious intents through continuous monitoring.

Stands out by providing unique free features not offered by other bots, while maintaining a high level of security through regular updates.

More features

Anti: Raid, Nuke, Mass Bans/DM Spam, abuse of critical events, unauthorized bot access, suspicious join, scam attempts (bad urls) and much more.

More than 12+ free features
Section splitter


The real-time sync for all servers allows to guarantee the maximum in terms of responsiveness and efficiency.

~30 ban triggers in 500ms across multiple shards
Section splitter

Always online

Always online with very little and bound downtime with timely resolution. Your servers are always safe.

99%+ Uptime

What does our community think?

Our community reviews us with a significant amount of positive feedback. This reflects our commitment for improving APAR.

Review star

4.8 out of 5 on Top.gg ->

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50+ Reviews

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